What is the number 5.1×10^7 written in decimal notation?

The number 5.1×10^7 written in decimal notation is 51,000,000.

To write 5.1×10^7 in decimal notation, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the number as it is: 5.1×10^7.

Step 2: Calculate the power of 10 raised to 7: 10^7 = 10,000,000.

Step 3: Multiply 5.1 by 10,000,000: 5.1 × 10,000,000 = 51,000,000.

Therefore, 5.1×10^7 in decimal notation is equal to 51,000,000.

To convert the number 5.1×10^7 into decimal notation, you need to multiply the base number (5.1) by 10 raised to the power of the exponent (7).

Here's how you can do it step by step:

Step 1: Write down the base number: 5.1
Step 2: Multiply the base number by 10 raised to the power of the exponent: 5.1 × 10^7
Step 3: Calculate 10^7: 10^7 = 10,000,000
Step 4: Multiply the base number by the calculated value: 5.1 × 10,000,000

Calculating the multiplication: 5.1 × 10,000,000 = 51,000,000

Therefore, the number 5.1×10^7 in decimal notation is 51,000,000.