(1) The Statue of Liberty is a renowned symbol of American patriotism throughout the world (Panati, Charles p.291). (2) This statue stands 152 feet tall on top of an 89 foot granite pedestal in New York Harbor. (3) It stands on Liberty Island, formerly called Bedloe's Island. (4) When people are in the harbor, they are near this marvelous symbol of liberty. (5) I saw this statue and will never forget it. (6) What they may not know is that creating the statue took many years and effort to complete.

Which sentence in the first paragraph should be removed because it does not relate to the main idea?

sentence 2

sentence 3

sentence 4

sentence 5

C. sentence 4


Sentence 4 is not directly related to the main idea of the paragraph, which is the significance and physical description of the Statue of Liberty. It introduces a personal experience of the author and does not contribute to the main point being made.

To determine which sentence in the first paragraph should be removed because it does not relate to the main idea, we need to identify the main idea of the paragraph. The main idea can be inferred as follows: The Statue of Liberty is an iconic symbol of American patriotism, located in New York Harbor on Liberty Island. It is significant and memorable due to its size, history, and the effort it took to create.

Based on this main idea, we can determine that sentence 5 ("I saw this statue and will never forget it.") does not contribute to the main idea and should be removed. Sentence 5 focuses on the personal experience of the speaker, rather than providing information about the Statue of Liberty itself. Therefore, the answer is D. sentence 5.

The sentence in the first paragraph that should be removed because it does not relate to the main idea is:

D. sentence 5: "I saw this statue and will never forget it."