name, birthday, telephone number, and hometown in japanese hiragana

Name: なまえ (namae)

Birthday: たんじょうび (tanjoubi)
Telephone number: でんわばんごう (denwa bangou)
Hometown: ふるさと (furusato)

Sure! Here are the translations of the requested information in Japanese Hiragana:

- Name (なまえ): なまえ (Nahmaeh)
- Birthday (たんじょうび): たんじょうび (Tahn-joh-bee)
- Telephone number (でんわばんごう): でんわばんごう (Dehn-wah-bahn-goh)
- Hometown (ふるさと): ふるさと (Furuh-sah-toh)

Note: It's important to understand that names, birthdays, telephone numbers, and hometowns are not typically written in Hiragana in Japanese. Instead, they are usually written in Kanji or a combination of Kanji and Hiragana. So, if you're looking for transliterations using Hiragana, the above translations will work.

To write the words "name," "birthday," "telephone number," and "hometown" in Japanese using hiragana, here is the breakdown:

1. Name: 名前 (なまえ) - This is pronounced as "namae" in English.
- To write it in hiragana: なまえ

2. Birthday: 誕生日 (たんじょうび) - This is pronounced as "tanjoubi" in English.
- To write it in hiragana: たんじょうび

3. Telephone number: 電話番号 (でんわばんごう) - This is pronounced as "denwa bangou" in English.
- To write it in hiragana: でんわばんごう

4. Hometown: 出身地 (しゅっしんち) - This is pronounced as "shusshinchi" in English.
- To write it in hiragana: しゅっしんち

Please note that the above translations are for reference, and some words may have different variations depending on the context or personal preference.