A dog weighing 18 kg runs into a park at a velocity of .63 m/s. What is the momentum of the dog?


The momentum of an object can be calculated by multiplying its mass (m) by its velocity (v).

In this case, the mass of the dog is 18 kg and its velocity is 0.63 m/s.

Using the formula for momentum (p),

p = m * v

p = 18 kg * 0.63 m/s

p = 11.34 kg*m/s

Therefore, the momentum of the dog is 11.34 kg * m/s.

The momentum of an object is calculated by multiplying its mass by its velocity.

Mass of the dog (m) = 18 kg
Velocity of the dog (v) = 0.63 m/s

To find the momentum (p) of the dog, we can use the formula:

p = m * v

Substituting the given values:

p = 18 kg * 0.63 m/s = 11.34 kg·m/s

Therefore, the momentum of the dog is 11.34 kg·m/s.

To calculate the momentum of the dog, you need to use the formula:

Momentum = Mass * Velocity

First, let's convert the mass of the dog to kilograms. Since the given weight is already in kilograms, there is no need for conversion.

Then, substitute the values into the formula:

Momentum = 18 kg * 0.63 m/s

Finally, calculate the momentum:

Momentum = 11.34 kg*m/s

Therefore, the momentum of the dog is 11.34 kg*m/s.