Valerie buys a new car. She can drive 288 miles on a full tank of gas. If her car holds 16 gallons of gasoline,

we can find out how many miles Valerie can drive per gallon by dividing the total number of miles she can drive by the total number of gallons her car can hold.

So, Valerie can drive 288 miles / 16 gallons = <<288/16=18>>18 miles per gallon. Answer: \boxed{18}.

To find Valerie's car's fuel efficiency, you can calculate the number of miles she can drive per gallon of gas.

Step 1: Divide the total miles driven by the total gallons of gas used.
miles per gallon = total miles driven / total gallons of gas used
miles per gallon = 288 miles / 16 gallons
miles per gallon = 18 miles/gallon

Therefore, Valerie's car has a fuel efficiency of 18 miles per gallon.

To determine Valerie's car's gas mileage, or the number of miles her car can travel per gallon of gasoline, you need to divide the total miles by the total gallons.

In this case, Valerie's car can drive 288 miles on a full tank of gas, and her car can hold 16 gallons of gasoline.

To find the gas mileage, you divide the total miles by the total gallons:

Gas Mileage = Total miles / Total gallons

Gas Mileage = 288 miles / 16 gallons

Dividing 288 by 16, you get:

Gas Mileage = 18 miles per gallon

Therefore, Valerie's car has a gas mileage of 18 miles per gallon.