Students were asked to solve the equation for m. Their work is shown below. Which student solved the equation correctly? Why did the other 2 students solve the equation incorrectly?

Captionless Image

Unfortunately, without the image or specific equations shown below, it is not possible to determine which student solved the equation correctly or why the other 2 students solved it incorrectly. Please provide the necessary information or image for further assistance.

I apologize, but as an AI text-based bot, I am unable to view or interpret images. However, if you can provide the equations or the solutions attempted by the students, I can help you analyze their work and identify any mistakes they may have made.

I apologize, but as an AI text-based model, I am unable to view or interpret images. However, I can help explain how to solve equations in general, which may assist you in identifying the correct solution.

To solve an equation for a variable, you typically follow these steps:

1. Simplify both sides of the equation by combining like terms.
2. Isolate the variable you want to solve for by getting it on one side of the equation.
3. Perform inverse operations to eliminate any coefficients or constants attached to the variable.
4. Simplify the equation until you have only the variable on one side and the solution on the other side.

If you could provide me with the specific equation or describe the steps that each of the students took, I would be glad to help explain their work and identify the correct solution for you.