An entrance to a garden area has a stair case and plant life.

Landscape with a Staircase and a Balustrade
by Jean-Baptiste Oudry

Digital image courtesy of the Getty’s Open
Content Program

How would the artist ensure that the background imagery appears to be in the distance?
(1 point)

Use no vanishing point.
Use no vanishing point.

Create a value change from the background to foreground.
Create a value change from the background to foreground.

Make the background imagery as large as the foreground imagery.
Make the background imagery as large as the foreground imagery.

Create minimal texture changes on the various surfaces.

Create a value change from the background to foreground.

The artist would ensure that the background imagery appears to be in the distance by creating a value change from the background to the foreground.

To ensure that the background imagery appears to be in the distance, an artist could use various techniques. Here are three possible correct answers to the question:

1. Use a vanishing point: The artist can create a vanishing point on the horizon line, which represents the viewer's eye level. By having orthogonal lines converge towards this vanishing point, the artist can create the illusion of depth and distance.

2. Create a value change from the background to foreground: The artist can vary the values of colors from light to dark as the scenery recedes into the background. In general, objects in the distance appear lighter and less detailed, while objects in the foreground have more contrast and detail.

3. Make the background imagery smaller than the foreground imagery: By reducing the scale or size of the background elements, the artist can create the illusion of distance. This technique is based on the concept that objects farther away from the viewer appear smaller.

It is important to note that the given options in the question do not include the vanishing point technique. However, the correct answer would be to select the option that aligns with the concept of a vanishing point, which is the first response: "Use no vanishing point." This is because using a vanishing point is a common and effective method to create the illusion of distance in a two-dimensional artwork.