The freshman class raised funds for a school dance. It costs $5,000 to rent out the hall plus $20 per student for food and drinks. The freshman class raised $20,000. Write and solve an equation to determine how many students can attend the school dance.

Let the number of students attending the school dance be represented by 'x'.

The total cost for food and drinks for 'x' students can be calculated as 20 * x.

Therefore, the total cost for the school dance would be 5000 + 20x.

Since the total amount raised by the freshman class is $20,000, we can set up the equation:

5000 + 20x = 20000

To solve for 'x', we subtract 5000 from both sides of the equation:

20x = 15000

Finally, we divide both sides of the equation by 20:

x = 750

Therefore, there can be 750 students attending the school dance.

Let's assume the number of students attending the dance as 'x'.

The cost for renting the hall is a fixed amount of $5,000.

The cost per student for food and drinks is $20.

So, the total cost for food and drinks for x students is 20x.

The total cost for the dance, including the hall rental fee and the food and drinks, should not exceed the amount raised, which is $20,000.

Therefore, the equation to determine the number of students attending the dance is:

$5,000 + $20x = $20,000

To solve this equation, we can start by subtracting $5,000 from both sides to isolate the term with 'x':

$5,000 + $20x - $5,000 = $20,000 - $5,000

$20x = $15,000

To solve for x, we divide both sides of the equation by 20:

($20x)/20 = $15,000/20

x = 750

Hence, 750 students can attend the school dance.

To determine the number of students that can attend the school dance, we can set up an equation by considering the total expenses and the amount raised by the freshman class.

Let's represent the number of students attending the dance as "s".

The rental cost for the hall is a fixed amount of $5,000.

The cost per student for food and drinks is $20.

So, the total cost for food and drinks can be expressed as 20s.

The total expenses, which include the rental cost and the cost per student, should not exceed the amount raised by the freshman class, which is $20,000.

Therefore, the equation will be:

5000 + 20s ≤ 20000.

To solve the equation for "s", we need to isolate the variable:

20s ≤ 20000 - 5000,
20s ≤ 15000.

Dividing both sides of the inequality by 20:

s ≤ 750.

Thus, the solution is that the number of students attending the school dance cannot exceed 750.