Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.(1 point)

The term Mesopotamia refers to land between
Sumer and Egypt
Uruk and Ur
the Arabian Peninsula and the Sinai Peninsula
the Tigris and Euphrates rivers

the Tigris and Euphrates rivers

The term Mesopotamia refers to land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

To complete the sentence, follow these steps:

1. Understand the question: The question asks about the land referred to by the term Mesopotamia.

2. Gather information: Mesopotamia is an ancient region that existed between two rivers.

3. Use the process of elimination: Evaluate each option in the drop-down menu based on the information gathered.

- Sumer and Egypt: This option is incorrect because Mesopotamia is not between Sumer and Egypt. Sumer was an ancient civilization in southern Mesopotamia, while Egypt was a separate civilization located to the southwest of Mesopotamia.

- Uruk and Ur: This option is incorrect because Uruk and Ur were ancient cities in Mesopotamia, not the boundaries of Mesopotamia itself.

- The Arabian Peninsula and the Sinai Peninsula: This option is incorrect because Mesopotamia is not between the Arabian Peninsula and the Sinai Peninsula. The Arabian Peninsula is located to the west of Mesopotamia, while the Sinai Peninsula is located to the northwest.

- The Tigris and Euphrates rivers: This option is correct because Mesopotamia refers to the land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. These rivers flow through the region known as Mesopotamia, which is located in modern-day Iraq.

Therefore, the correct answer to complete the sentence is "the Tigris and Euphrates rivers."