Which of the following shows the strong influence of African traditions in Brazil?

A music and dance during the celebration of Carnival
B the use of plantation agriculture to grow cash crops
C the large Catholic majority in Brazil
D the strong national interest in soccer

A music and dance during the celebration of Carnival

The correct answer is A. Music and dance during the celebration of Carnival.

The correct answer is A) music and dance during the celebration of Carnival.

To arrive at this answer, one can evaluate the options provided and determine which one demonstrates a significant influence of African traditions in Brazil.

Option B) the use of plantation agriculture to grow cash crops, although historically connected to the presence of African slaves in Brazil, does not solely indicate a strong influence of African traditions. This option focuses more on the economic aspect of plantation agriculture rather than cultural influence.

Option C) the large Catholic majority in Brazil, while it may have religious significance, is not specific to African traditions and does not directly reflect a strong influence of African culture in Brazil.

Option D) the strong national interest in soccer, although popular in Brazil, is not directly tied to African traditions but rather a global sport phenomenon.

In contrast, option A) highlights music and dance during the celebration of Carnival. Carnival in Brazil is renowned for its vibrant and festive atmosphere, filled with samba music and various forms of dance such as samba, frevo, and maracatu. These forms of music and dance have deep roots in African traditions, as they were brought to Brazil by African slaves during the colonial era. Thus, the celebration of Carnival corresponds to the strong influence of African traditions in Brazil.