How is an inference different from a guess?(1 point)


Inferences are not based on anything from the text while guesses are made only using the text.
Inferences are not based on anything from the text while guesses are made only using the text.

Inferences are made before reading the text while guesses are made after reading.
Inferences are made before reading the text while guesses are made after reading.

Inferences are made by only using major details from the text while guesses only use minor details.
Inferences are made by only using major details from the text while guesses only use minor details.

Inferences are based on evidence in the text while guesses are no

Inferences are based on evidence in the text while guesses are not.

Which element needs to be in the text for the reader to be able to make an inference?(1 point)




an educated guess
an educated guess



Which step should you do first when analyzing an informational text?(1 point)


ask questions and take notes
ask questions and take notes

write a summary
write a summary

make inferences
make inferences

draw conclusions

ask questions and take notes

Inferences are based on evidence in the text while guesses are not.

Inferences are based on evidence in the text while guesses are not. To differentiate between an inference and a guess, it is important to consider the basis for each.

An inference is a conclusion or interpretation that is supported by evidence in the text. Inferences are made by using reasoning and critical thinking skills to draw conclusions from the information provided. These conclusions are not explicitly stated in the text, but can be logically deduced based on the evidence.

On the other hand, a guess is an assumption or estimation made without any evidence or logical reasoning to support it. Guesses are often based on personal opinions, random thoughts, or unrelated information.

To determine if a statement is an inference or a guess, it is necessary to analyze the evidence and logical reasoning behind it. Inferences are based on evidence from the text, while guesses are not.