What are concrete details? Provide an example.

Concrete details are specific and tangible pieces of information that provide a clear and vivid description. They refer to things that can be perceived through the five senses – sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. These details make writing more realistic and engaging for the reader.

Example: "The old, creaky wooden door swung open, revealing a dimly lit room with the scent of musty books hanging in the air. Sunlight filtered through the dusty windows, casting long shadows on the faded, threadbare carpet. A worn-out armchair sat in the corner, its cracked leather waiting for someone to sink into its soft, comforting embrace."

Concrete details are specific and vivid pieces of information that help paint a clear picture, bringing more clarity and impact to a description or explanation. They use sensory language to appeal to the reader's senses, making the writing more engaging and convincing.

Here's an example of concrete details:

Original sentence: "The dog was running."

Improved with concrete details: "The golden retriever bounded joyfully across the grassy field, its ears flopping in the wind, tongue hanging out and slobbering, paws kicking up dirt behind it."

In the improved sentence, the concrete details ("golden retriever," "bounded joyfully," "grassy field," "ears flopping," "tongue hanging out and slobbering," "paws kicking up dirt") provide a more vivid and specific image of the running dog, helping the reader picture the scene better.

Concrete details are specific pieces of information or descriptions that provide specific and tangible evidence to support a claim or statement. They help to make writing more vivid and detailed by using sensory language and specific examples.

To find concrete details, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the claim or statement you want to support.
2. Think about the specific details that can help illustrate or provide evidence for that claim.
3. Look for sensory language that appeals to the five senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell.
4. Find specific examples or experiences that can be described in detail.

Here's an example of concrete details:

Claim: The beach is a beautiful and relaxing place.

Concrete details:
1. The soft, warm sand slipping between your toes.
2. The crashing sound of waves against the shore.
3. The salty smell of the ocean air.
4. The feeling of the sun's warmth on your skin.
5. The vibrant colors of seashells scattered along the shoreline.

These details help to paint a vivid picture of the beach, making the claim more tangible and believable.