Use the political cartoon related to the Monroe Doctrine to answer the question.

Based on the political cartoon, what was one goal of the Monroe Doctrine?

to support European colonization in the Western Hemisphere

to establish US dominance over the Western Hemisphere

to remain neutral in conflicts between Europe and South America

to encourage trade between Europe and South America

B. to establish US dominance over the Western Hemisphere

To determine the goal of the Monroe Doctrine based on a political cartoon, it is important to carefully analyze the visual elements and symbols depicted. As an AI text-based model, I cannot directly see or analyze images or political cartoons. Thus, I am unable to provide a specific answer based on the political cartoon.

However, I can provide general information about the goals of the Monroe Doctrine, which may help in answering the question accurately. The Monroe Doctrine, issued by President James Monroe in 1823, aimed to establish US dominance over the Western Hemisphere and prevent any further colonization or intervention by European powers in the Americas.

Hence, the correct answer to the question is likely B. to establish US dominance over the Western Hemisphere.

To answer this question, we can analyze the political cartoon related to the Monroe Doctrine. Here is how we can use the cartoon to determine the correct answer:

Step 1: Observe the visual elements of the cartoon. Look for symbols, text, or any other elements that may provide clues about the goals of the Monroe Doctrine.

Step 2: Identify any significant details in the cartoon. Look for any indications of power, control, or diplomatic relations between the United States and other regions.

Step 3: Analyze the overall message or theme of the cartoon. Consider the historical context surrounding the Monroe Doctrine and its purpose.

Based on these steps, the correct answer can be determined. However, since I cannot see the political cartoon as an AI text-based model, I am unable to provide a specific analysis of the cartoon or the correct answer. I suggest searching for the specific political cartoon related to the Monroe Doctrine and analyzing it to find the answer to this question.