A ribbon 6 1/8 feet in length is shortened by having 2 1/12 feet cut off one end. What is the length of the shortened ribbon?(1 point)

To find the length of the shortened ribbon, you need to subtract 2 1/12 feet from 6 1/8 feet.

First, convert both mixed numbers to improper fractions:
6 1/8 = (6 * 8 + 1) / 8 = 49/8
2 1/12 = (2 * 12 + 1) / 12 = 25/12

Next, subtract the two fractions:
49/8 - 25/12

To subtract fractions, you need a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is 24.

Convert both fractions to have a denominator of 24:
(49/8) * (3/3) = 147/24
(25/12) * (2/2) = 50/24

Now, subtract the fractions:
147/24 - 50/24 = 97/24

The shortened ribbon is 97/24 feet long.

as a fraction

In fraction form, the length of the shortened ribbon is 97/24 feet.

mixed number

To write the length of the shortened ribbon as a mixed number, we first find the whole number part and the fraction part.

To do this, let's divide 97 by 24:
97 ÷ 24 = 4 remainder 1

The quotient of 4 means that there are 4 whole units (4 feet), and the remainder of 1 corresponds to the fraction 1/24.

Therefore, the length of the shortened ribbon can be written as the mixed number 4 1/24 feet.

To find the length of the shortened ribbon, we can subtract the length that was cut off from the original length.

Original length of the ribbon: 6 1/8 feet

Length that was cut off: 2 1/12 feet

To subtract 2 1/12 feet from 6 1/8 feet, we need to convert both fractions to have the same denominator.

The denominator we can use is 24 (the least common multiple of 8 and 12).

6 1/8 feet is equivalent to (6 * 24/8) + (1 * 3/8) = 18/8 + 3/8 = 21/8 feet

2 1/12 feet is equivalent to (2 * 24/12) + (1 * 2/12) = 48/12 + 2/12 = 50/12 feet

Now, we can subtract:

21/8 feet - 50/12 feet = (21 * 3/8) - (50 * 2/12) = 63/24 - 100/24 = -37/24 feet

The length of the shortened ribbon is -37/24 feet.

To find the length of the shortened ribbon, you need to subtract the length that was cut off from the original length.

Let's convert the lengths into a common fraction. Since the original length is given as 6 1/8 feet, we can write it as an improper fraction: 49/8 feet.
Similarly, the length that was cut off is given as 2 1/12 feet, which can be written as 25/12 feet.

To subtract fractions, you need to have a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is 24. So, we need to convert both fractions to have 24 as the denominator.

Converting the original length:
49/8 feet * 3/3 (to get a denominator of 24) = 147/24 feet.

Converting the length that was cut off:
25/12 feet * 2/2 (to get a denominator of 24) = 50/24 feet.

Now, subtract the cut-off length from the original length:
147/24 feet - 50/24 feet = 97/24 feet.

So, the length of the shortened ribbon is 97/24 feet.