Which expression results in a negative number?

B.1/3(-18)dived -3
D.-1/2 dived -2/3

D. -1/2 divided -2/3

Jerri was using a recipe for a large cake that required one-third of a tablespoon of cinnamon. Instead of making one large cake, Jerri decided to use the recipe to make four small cakes. How much cinnamon should she use for each of the four small cakes?

A.1/12 of a tablespoon
B. 4/3 of a tablespoon
C. 1/4 of a tablespoon
D.1/3 of a tablespoon

D. 1/3 of a tablespoon

To determine which expression results in a negative number, we need to evaluate each expression.

A. 1/2(-2*2/5)
First, simplify the multiplication: -2 * 2 = -4
Then, divide by 5: -4/5
The result is negative, so option A results in a negative number.

B. 1/3(-18) divided by -3
Multiply: -18 * (1/3) = -6
Then divide by -3: -6 / -3 = 2
The result is positive, so option B does not result in a negative number.

C. -1/4(-7-6)
Simplify the addition: -7-6 = -13
Multiply by -1/4: -1/4 * -13 = 13/4
The result is positive, so option C does not result in a negative number.

D. -1/2 divided by -2/3
Divide: (-1/2) / (-2/3)
Multiply the dividend by the reciprocal of the divisor: (-1/2) * (-3/2) = 3/4
The result is positive, so option D does not result in a negative number.

Therefore, the expression that results in a negative number is A. 1/2(-2*2/5)

To determine which expression results in a negative number, we need to simplify each expression and evaluate the result. Let's break down each expression one by one:

A. 1/2(-2*2/5)
- First, we need to simplify the expression inside the parentheses: -2*2/5 = -4/5
- Now, multiply the result by 1/2: 1/2 * (-4/5) = -4/10 = -2/5

B. 1/3(-18)dived -3
- In this expression, we need to multiply -18 by 1/3: 1/3 * (-18) = -18/3 = -6
- Lastly, divide -6 by -3: -6 / -3 = 2

C. -1/4(-7-6)
- Inside the parentheses, we have -7-6 = -13
- Now we can multiply -13 by -1/4: -1/4 * (-13) = -13/4

D. -1/2 divided -2/3
- Divide -1/2 by -2/3: (-1/2) ÷ (-2/3)
- To divide fractions, we invert and multiply the second fraction: (-1/2) × (-3/2)
- Simplify the multiplication: (-1 × -3) / (2 × 2) = 3/4

Based on the calculations, the only expression that results in a negative number is option C, -13/4.