What does the word relationship in the sentence below reveal about the meanings of cog and organization?

She is a small but vital cog in the large organization.
A cog can be thought of as a piece of a whole, and an organization is usually made up of more than one person.

A cog can be thought of as a person who is willing to cheat, and an organization is usually more trustworthy.

Cog is used to refer to women, while organization is used to refer to both males and females.

The word relationship in the sentence does not reveal anything about the meanings of cog and organization.

The word "relationship" in the sentence does not reveal any specific meanings about the words "cog" and "organization." Instead, it suggests that the person mentioned (She) plays an important role in the larger organization.

To determine the relationship between the word "relationship" and the meanings of "cog" and "organization" in the given sentence, we need to analyze the context and the denotative meanings of these words:

In the sentence "She is a small but vital cog in the large organization," "cog" is used metaphorically to describe the person being discussed (likely a female) as a small but essential part of the larger organization. The word "cog" typically refers to a gear or mechanical part that fits into a larger system, highlighting the person's role and importance within the organization.

The word "organization" refers to a group of people working together toward a common goal. In this context, it suggests a large-scale, structured entity that requires cooperation and collaboration among its members.

Through this analysis, we can infer that the relationship between the word "relationship" in the sentence and the meanings of "cog" and "organization" is best represented by option A:

A. A cog can be thought of as a piece of a whole, and an organization is usually made up of more than one person.

Therefore, the word "relationship" in this sentence reveals that a cog is a small but integral part of a larger whole (the organization).