which fraction is equivalent to 95%?

a 0.95/10
b 0.95/100
c 95/10
d 95/100

The correct answer is b) 0.95/100.

what is 2/5 + 2/5?

a 2/25
b 4/25
c 1/5
d 2/5
e 4/5

The correct answer is d) 2/5.

When you add 2/5 + 2/5, the numerator (top number) remains the same, which is 2, and the denominator (bottom number) also remains the same, which is 5. Therefore, the sum is 2/5.

the area of the base is 40 square inches.

what is the volume of the box?

a 232 in^3
b 240 in^3
c 480 in^3
d 960 in^3

To find the volume of a box, you need to multiply the area of the base by the height or depth.

If the area of the base is 40 square inches and the height or depth is not given in the question, we cannot calculate the exact volume of the box. Therefore, none of the options provided can be determined as the correct answer.

a box has a height of 6 inches

the area of the base is 40 square inches.
what is the volume of the box?

a 232 in^3
b 240 in^3
c 480 in^3
d 960 in^3

To find the volume of the box, you need to multiply the area of the base by the height.

Given that the area of the base is 40 square inches and the height is 6 inches, you can calculate the volume of the box as follows:

Volume = Area of Base * Height
Volume = 40 in^2 * 6 in
Volume = 240 in^3

Therefore, the correct answer is b) 240 in^3.

kunal told ana he was going to drop 10 dimes on the table. He said he would give her all the dimes where the "head" side was showing.

How many dimes would ana most likley get?

a 0
b 1
c 5
d 9
e 10

The likelihood of getting a "head" side when flipping a dime is 50%.

Since Kunal is dropping 10 dimes, the most likely outcome is that half of the dimes will show "heads" and the other half will show "tails".

Therefore, Ana would most likely get half of the dimes, which is 5 dimes.

The correct answer is c) 5.

what is the value of the expression?

3.5 + (1+4)x(6.5 + 1.5)

a 32
b 37.5
c 43.5
d 56.75

To simplify the expression, you need to follow the order of operations, which states that you should perform multiplication before addition.

Using the given expression:
3.5 + (1+4)x(6.5 + 1.5)

First, simplify the addition inside the parentheses:
3.5 + 5x(6.5 + 1.5)

Next, perform the multiplication:
3.5 + 5x8

Now, perform the addition:
3.5 + 40

Finally, calculate the sum:

Therefore, the value of the expression is c) 43.5.

Martin has 5/6 of a pizza. Liam had 4 times as much pizza as martin.

How much pizza does Liam have? Move numbers to the boxes to show the answer. If there is no whole number, put a 0 in the first box.

Let's first find out how much pizza Martin has.

Martin has 5/6 of a pizza.

Now, we need to find how much pizza Liam has.

Liam has 4 times as much pizza as Martin, so we can multiply Martin's amount by 4.

4 x (5/6) = (4 * 5)/(4 * 6) = 20/24

Since 20/24 is not a whole number, we put a 0 in the first box.

Therefore, Liam has 0 wholes and 20/24 of a pizza.

Dani takes her two friends out for lunch. Danis meal costs $5.72 and her friends meals are $4.89 and $7.30. Dani pays for the meals with a $20 dollar bill.

How much money will she get back?

To find out how much money Dani will get back, we need to add up the costs of the meals and subtract it from the amount she paid with ($20).

The total cost of the meals is:
$5.72 + $4.89 + $7.30 = $17.91

To find out how much money Dani will get back, we subtract the total cost of the meals from the amount she paid with:
$20 - $17.91 = $2.09

Therefore, Dani will get back $2.09.

Mark checks the cost of pens at several stores to determine the best deal.

which choice would give the lowest cost per pen?

a $7 for a pack of 5 pens
b $15 for a pack of 10 pens
c $18 for a pack of 15 pens
d $48 for a pack of 30 pens

To determine the lowest cost per pen, we need to divide the total cost of the pack of pens by the number of pens in the pack.

Calculating the cost per pen for each option:

a) $7 for a pack of 5 pens: $7 ÷ 5 = $1.40 per pen
b) $15 for a pack of 10 pens: $15 ÷ 10 = $1.50 per pen
c) $18 for a pack of 15 pens: $18 ÷ 15 = $1.20 per pen
d) $48 for a pack of 30 pens: $48 ÷ 30 = $1.60 per pen

The option with the lowest cost per pen is c) $18 for a pack of 15 pens, which equals $1.20 per pen.

Lara has a bottle that contains 1/2 quart of milk. she empties the bottle by pouring the same amount of milk into 3 glasses.

How much milk does Lara pour into each glass.

a 1/6 quart
b 1/5 quart
c 1/2 quart
d 2/3 quart

If Lara has 1/2 quart of milk in the bottle and she pours the same amount into each of the 3 glasses, we need to divide 1/2 quart by 3.

Dividing fractions requires multiplying the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction.

1/2 quart ÷ 3 = 1/2 quart × 1/3 = 1/6 quart

Therefore, Lara pours 1/6 quart of milk into each glass.

The correct answer is a) 1/6 quart.

Kelsey keeps track of how much money she makes each time she babysits. For the last 10 jobs she made:

$7.50, $10.50, $5.00, $4.50, $3.50, $7.50, $4.00, $10.00, $7.50, and $5.00
what is the mean amount of money Kelsey made?

a $5.50
b $6.25
c $6.50
d $7.00

To find the mean (average) amount of money Kelsey made, you need to add up all the amounts and divide by the number of jobs (which in this case is 10).

Adding up all the amounts:
$7.50 + $10.50 + $5.00 + $4.50 + $3.50 + $7.50 + $4.00 + $10.00 + $7.50 + $5.00 = $65.00

Now, divide the total amount by the number of jobs:
$65.00 ÷ 10 = $6.50

Therefore, the mean amount of money Kelsey made is c) $6.50.

the length of a rectangle is 15cm and the width is 8cm.

what is the perimeter of the rectangle? Enter the answer in the box

_____ cm

To find the perimeter of a rectangle, you need to add up all the sides.

For a rectangle with a length of 15 cm and a width of 8 cm, the perimeter can be calculated by adding up all the sides:

Perimeter = 2 * (Length + Width)
Perimeter = 2 * (15 cm + 8 cm)
Perimeter = 2 * (23 cm)
Perimeter = 46 cm

Therefore, the perimeter of the rectangle is 46 cm.

Micahs math class is learning about data sets. They had 6 different bags of candy. They counted the number of red candies in each bag. The data they collected is shown.

16, 19, 19, 21, 24, 33

a 16
b 17
c 19
d 20
e 22

To find the answer, we need to find the average of the numbers given.

Adding up the numbers: 16 + 19 + 19 + 21 + 24 + 33 = 132

To find the average, divide the sum by the total number of values:
132 / 6 = 22

Therefore, the average number of red candies in the bags is e) 22.

the soccer team scored 3 goals in their first game, 7 goals in the next game, and 2 goals in the third game.

what was the mean number of goals scored for the three games.

a 2
b 3
c 4
d 5
e 7

To find the mean number of goals scored, you need to add up the total number of goals and divide by the number of games played.

Adding up the number of goals: 3 + 7 + 2 = 12

Next, divide the total by the number of games played (which is 3):
12 / 3 = 4

Therefore, the mean number of goals scored for the three games is c) 4.

a rectangular prism is 12 cm long, 6 cm wide, and 5 cm high.

what is the volume of the rectangular prism.

a 23 cubic cm
b 72 cubic cm
c 162 cubic cm
d 360 cubic cm

To find the volume of a rectangular prism, you need to multiply the length, width, and height.

Given that the length is 12 cm, the width is 6 cm, and the height is 5 cm, you can calculate the volume as follows:

Volume = Length * Width * Height
Volume = 12 cm * 6 cm * 5 cm
Volume = 360 cubic cm

Therefore, the volume of the rectangular prism is d) 360 cubic cm.

what is the 80,023 written in scientific notation?

a 8.0023 x 10^3
b 8.0023 x 10^4
c 8.0023 x 10^5
d 8.0023 x 10^6

To convert a number to scientific notation, we want a number greater than or equal to 1 but less than 10, multiplied by a power of 10.

For the number 80,023, we can rewrite it as 8.0023 x 10^4.

Therefore, the number 80,023 in scientific notation is b) 8.0023 x 10^4.

which expression is equivalent to the number 144?

a 2^3 . 3^2
b 2^3 . 3^3
c 2^4 . 3^2
d 2^4 . 3^6

To find an expression equivalent to the number 144, we want to find the prime factorization of 144.

The prime factorization of 144 is 2^4 * 3^2.

Considering the options provided:

a) 2^3 * 3^2 = 8 * 9 = 72
b) 2^3 * 3^3 = 8 * 27 = 216
c) 2^4 * 3^2 = 16 * 9 = 144
d) 2^4 * 3^6 = 16 * 729 = 11,664

Therefore, the expression that is equivalent to the number 144 is c) 2^4 * 3^2.

which value if equivalent to 3/11?

a 0.27
b 0.27
c 3.6
d 3.6

The correct answer to the question "which value is equivalent to 3/11?" is a) 0.27.

which equation represents the solution of x^3 = 72?

a x = 72^3
b x = 72^3
c x = 72 divided by 3
d x = 72 x 3

To find the solution to the equation x^3 = 72, we need to find the cube root of 72.

The correct equation that represents the solution is a) x = 72^(1/3).

So, the solution to x^3 = 72 is a) x = 72^(1/3).

aki made 190 tote bags. she sold 115 of them at a craft fair for a total of $2,070.00. which equation can be used to find the price, p, for which she sold a tote bag.

a 190 x 155 = p
b 190p = 115
c 190p = 2,070.00
d 115p = 2,070.00

The equation that can be used to find the price, p, for which Aki sold a tote bag is:

c) 190p = 2,070.00

This equation represents that Aki sold 190 tote bags at a price of p each, resulting in a total revenue of $2,070.00.

So, the correct equation is c) 190p = 2,070.00.

darcy went shopping. she got 4 new shirts, 3 pairs of pants, and 2 pairs of shoes.

How many different outfits can darcy put together with her new shirts, pants and shoes?

a 6
b 12
c 11
d 9
e 24

To find the number of different outfits Darcy can put together, you need to multiply the number of options for each item: shirts, pants, and shoes.

Darcy has 4 options for shirts, 3 options for pants, and 2 options for shoes.

To find the total number of options, multiply these numbers together:
4 * 3 * 2 = 24

Therefore, Darcy can put together 24 different outfits.

The correct answer is e) 24.

abby uses a board that is 33 inches long for a project. She makes a mark on the board every 1/4 inch.

How many marks does abby make?

a 4/33
b 8 1/4
c 37
d 132

To find the number of marks Abby made on the board, we need to divide the length of the board by the distance between each mark.

The length of the board is given as 33 inches, and the distance between each mark is 1/4 inch.

To calculate the number of marks, divide the length by the distance:
33 inches / (1/4 inch) = 33 inches * (4/1) = 132 marks.

Therefore, Abby made 132 marks on the board.

The correct answer is d) 132.


x (3.8 - 2.6) + 3 + 3.2 (x + 2)

a 4.4x + 9.4
b 7x + 2.4
c 7.4x + 12.4
d 10x - 0.6

To simplify the expression, we need to apply the distributive property and combine like terms.

x (3.8 - 2.6) + 3 + 3.2 (x + 2)

First, simplify the expression inside the parentheses:
x (1.2) + 3 + 3.2 (x + 2)

Next, distribute the x to the terms inside the parentheses:
1.2x + 3 + 3.2x + 6.4

Now, combine like terms:
(1.2x + 3.2x) + 3 + 6.4
4.4x + 9.4

Therefore, the simplified expression is a) 4.4x + 9.4.

a rectangle has a perimeter of 14 cm

a 6 cm by 1 cm
b 7 cm by 2 cm
c 7 cm by 7 cm
d 8 cm by 6 cm

To determine which option represents the dimensions of a rectangle with a perimeter of 14 cm, we need to check if the length and width of the rectangle add up to a perimeter of 14 cm.

a) 6 cm by 1 cm: 6 cm + 1 cm = 7 cm
b) 7 cm by 2 cm: 7 cm + 2 cm = 9 cm
c) 7 cm by 7 cm: 7 cm + 7 cm = 14 cm
d) 8 cm by 6 cm: 8 cm + 6 cm = 14 cm

As we can see, option c) 7 cm by 7 cm adds up to a perimeter of 14 cm.

Therefore, the correct option is c) 7 cm by 7 cm.

put the numbers in least to greatest order.

Least ______, _______, _______, ________ Greatest

6.29 6.09 6.257 6.481

Least 6.09, 6.257, 6.29, 6