To enforce your constitutional rights, you would hire a…

Police Officer


Can an amendment protect more than one right?

Yes, an amendment can protect more than one right. Amendments to the Constitution can encompass multiple rights and can address various aspects of individual freedoms and protections. For example, the First Amendment protects several rights, including freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and the press. Similarly, the Fourth Amendment protects multiple rights, such as protection against unreasonable searches and seizures, privacy, and the requirement of warrants based on probable cause.

1. What is a right?

A cause or explanation for something
Something considered illegal under the law
Something a person is legally allowed to have, get, or do

Something a person is legally allowed to have, get, or do.

2. Constitutional rights are mainly found in…

Lists made by early Americans
The main parts of the Constitution
Additions called amendments

Additions called amendments

5. Before going to trial, lawyers need to see if your situation is addressed by a right protected in the Constitution.



6. Knowing my constitutional rights is important.

strongly disagree
strongly agree