when i looked into her sea green eyes I was suddenly sure everything was going to be OK

Which romantic idea is most clearly shown here

The most clearly shown romantic idea in the given statement is idealism. This is because the speaker's belief that everything will be okay is based on a romanticized view of the world, where emotions and intuition can guide them towards a positive outcome.

The romantic idea most clearly shown in the given statement is idealism. Idealism is an emphasis on believing in and pursuing ideals or, in this case, the belief that everything will be okay based on the observation of the sea green eyes.

The romantic idea most clearly shown in the statement "when I looked into her sea green eyes I was suddenly sure everything was going to be OK" is intuition.


Intuition refers to a sudden, instinctive feeling or understanding without relying on logical reasoning or evidence. In this scenario, the speaker's feeling of reassurance and certainty is not based on any concrete evidence or logical reasoning, but rather on an intuitive sense that everything will be alright. The mention of looking into the person's sea green eyes suggests a deep emotional connection and a sense of understanding that goes beyond reason. Hence, intuition best represents the romantic idea expressed in this statement.