Alby is comparing the two ratio of students in her class that are wearing the color green to the total number of students in her class. She finds out 30 students in her class, seven a wearing green what kind of ratio relationship is she using?

Alby is using a part-to-whole ratio relationship. The ratio is comparing the part (students wearing green) to the whole (total number of students in her class).

The ratio showing the quantity of strawberry flavored candy to the total number of candy Nico owns is:

10 strawberries : (10 strawberries + 13 butterscotch + 7 root beer) candies

Simplifying this ratio, we get:

10 strawberries : (10 + 13 + 7) candies

10 strawberries : 30 candies

To find a ratio equivalent to 3/2, we can multiply both the numerator and denominator of the ratio by the same non-zero number.

Here are a few equivalent ratios to 3/2:


Since there are multiple correct answers, without any other context or options, it's difficult to say which specific ratio you are referring to.

To determine if the ratios of the purple mixture used by Ariana and Cody are equivalent, we need to compare the ratios of blue to red that they each used.

Ariana's ratio of blue to red is 7 tablespoons of blue : 2 tablespoons of red.
Cody's ratio of blue to red is 21 tablespoons of blue : 6 tablespoons of red.

To simplify the ratios, we can divide both the numerator and denominator of each ratio by the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the two numbers:

For Ariana's ratio:
GCD(7, 2) = 1
7/1 : 2/1 = 7 : 2

For Cody's ratio:
GCD(21, 6) = 3
21/3 : 6/3 = 7 : 2

Therefore, the ratios of blue to red used by Ariana and Cody are equivalent, both being 7 : 2.

Nico have a charm of candy containing strawberry, butterscotch, and root beer flavors if there are 10 strawberries, 13 butterscotch, and seven root beer candies, which ratio shows the quantity of strawberry flavored candy to the total number of candy you go owns

Which of the following ratios is equivalent to 3/2

Cody and Aria are painting a mural they decide they want part of the mural you have a purple backyard. Ariana is 7 tablespoons of blue two tablespoons of red to make her purple paint. Cody is planning to use more and uses 21 tablespoons of flu and six tablespoons of red are the ratios of purple mixture equivalent to one another's?