When is it okay to share your password with a friend? (2 points)

• If your friend promises not to tell anyone.
•If you change your password right afterward.
• It's never safe to share your password.
• If it's your best friend.

The correct answers are:

• If you change your password right afterward.
• It's never safe to share your password

It's never safe to share your password.

The correct answer is: "It's never safe to share your password." (2 points)

Explanation: Sharing your password with anyone, even a friend or a best friend, is generally not recommended and is considered a security risk. There are several reasons for this:

1. Trustworthiness: While your friend may promise not to tell anyone, there is always a chance that their intentions or actions might change. They may inadvertently disclose the password or become compromised themselves, compromising your account as well.

2. Responsibility: Security is a personal responsibility, and sharing your password undermines the principle of keeping your accounts secure. It's important to maintain control over your own accounts and be solely responsible for their security.

3. Account misusage: Even if you trust your friend, they may unknowingly or unintentionally misuse your account, leading to potential privacy breaches, unauthorized access, or even damage to your reputation.

4. Long-term implications: Sharing your password, even for a short period, can have long-term consequences. Your friend might forget to change or delete the shared password, creating a time window during which your account could be compromised.

To protect yourself and your online accounts, it is always best to keep your passwords private and secure. Additionally, it is good practice to use strong, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication whenever possible.