The primary reason that the human population has grown rapidly over the past 100 years is that there has been

an increase in food supplies and better access to clean water.

a decrease in cancer rates due to scientific research.

more access to renewable resources.

more access to light and electricity.

A. an increase in food supplies and better access to clean water.

The primary reason that the human population has grown rapidly over the past 100 years is that there has been an increase in food supplies and better access to clean water.

The primary reason that the human population has grown rapidly over the past 100 years is due to option A: an increase in food supplies and better access to clean water.

To understand why this is the case, we need to consider the basic principles of population growth. The growth of a population is determined by two main factors: birth rate and death rate. If the birth rate is higher than the death rate, the population will increase.

Over the past century, significant advancements have occurred in agricultural practices, technology, and infrastructure, leading to an increase in food production. Improved farming techniques, such as mechanization and the use of fertilizers, have resulted in higher crop yields, allowing for larger quantities of food to be produced. Additionally, advancements in food preservation and transportation have enabled the distribution of food to larger populations, even in remote areas.

Clean water is essential for human survival and plays a crucial role in population growth. Access to clean water has improved significantly over time due to advancements in sanitation practices, water treatment technologies, and infrastructure development. This has reduced the risk of waterborne diseases and improved overall health, leading to decreased mortality rates, especially among infants and children.

Therefore, option A - an increase in food supplies and better access to clean water - is the primary reason for the rapid growth of the human population over the past century.