The graph below shows the distance between a helicopter and an airport.

The graph titled distance to airport shows distance in miles on the vertical axis and time in hours in horizontal axis. The graph starts at (0, 525) and ends at the point (3.75, 0).

Which of these correctly describes the meaning of the y-intercept of the graph?

The helicopter ends its journey 525 miles away from the airport.

The helicopter takes 3.75 hours to travel to its final destination at the airport.

The helicopter begins its journey 525 miles away from the airport.

The helicopter takes 3.75 hours to travel to its final destination away from the airport.


The helicopter begins its journey 525 miles away from the airport.

C. The helicopter begins its journey 525 miles away from the airport.

To determine the meaning of the y-intercept on the graph, we need to understand what the y-intercept represents in this context. The y-intercept is the point where the graph intersects the vertical axis (the y-axis) when the horizontal axis value (the x-axis) is zero.

In this case, the graph starts at the point (0, 525), which means when the time is zero (at the beginning), the distance between the helicopter and the airport is 525 miles.

Therefore, the correct option that describes the meaning of the y-intercept is:

C. The helicopter begins its journey 525 miles away from the airport.