Which statement best assesses the effectiveness of Stalin’s policies on his rise to power?(1 point)


His methods hurt his authority because they were wildly unpopular.
His methods hurt his authority because they were wildly unpopular.

His methods led him to lose his power.
His methods led him to lose his power.

His methods led him to increase his authority and decrease opposition.
His methods led him to increase his authority and decrease opposition.

His methods made him less popular.
His methods made him less popular.

His methods led him to increase his authority and decrease opposition.

The statement that best assesses the effectiveness of Stalin's policies on his rise to power is: "His methods led him to increase his authority and decrease opposition."

The statement that best assesses the effectiveness of Stalin's policies on his rise to power is "His methods led him to increase his authority and decrease opposition." This statement implies that Stalin's policies were effective in consolidating his power and reducing resistance or opposition to his rule.

To come to this conclusion, one would need to examine Stalin's policies and their impact on various aspects such as political control, economic reforms, and social changes. It would involve studying historical documents, analyzing primary and secondary sources, and considering different perspectives and interpretations. By doing so, one could assess the effectiveness of Stalin's policies on his rise to power.