Which statement best summarizes an economic consequence of the Russian Revolution?(1 point)


Agricultural cultivation became more efficient when land was collectivized.
Agricultural cultivation became more efficient when land was collectivized.

Shortages became more common as the government dictated what was produced.
Shortages became more common as the government dictated what was produced.

The quality of life in the Soviet Union increased as a result of greater government economic control.
The quality of life in the Soviet Union increased as a result of greater government economic control.

Production increased as the Soviet Union moved to a capitalist economy.

Shortages became more common as the government dictated what was produced.

Shortages became more common as the government dictated what was produced.

The correct statement that best summarizes an economic consequence of the Russian Revolution is:

Shortages became more common as the government dictated what was produced.

To understand why shortages became more common, we need to look at the economic policies implemented during the Russian Revolution. After the Bolsheviks came to power in 1917, they implemented a series of economic reforms, including the nationalization of industry and the collectivization of agriculture. The government took control of the means of production and started dictating what should be produced and how it should be distributed.

One of the main consequences of this centralized control was a decrease in efficiency and productivity. As the government made production decisions without the input of market forces like supply and demand, there was a lack of incentives for producers to produce efficiently. This led to inefficiencies in the allocation of resources, resulting in shortages of goods and services.

Additionally, the government's focus on heavy industry and military production during the early years of Soviet rule further contributed to shortages of consumer goods. The prioritization of industrial and military needs meant that resources were diverted away from the production of consumer goods, leading to scarcity in the market.

Overall, the economic consequences of the Russian Revolution, particularly the government's central planning and control of the economy, resulted in shortages becoming more common as the government dictated what was produced.