Add 28–√ 38–√ .(1 point)

The expression 28–√ 38–√ is ambiguous because it is unclear how the terms are grouped. Please provide more context or specify the grouping of the terms so that I can accurately solve the expression.

Add 28–√ + 38–√ .(1 point)

To add 28 – √(38) and 38 – √(38), we can simplify the square roots first and then add the terms.

√(38) cannot be simplified further as it is not a perfect square. Therefore, the terms remain as 28 – √(38) and 38 – √(38).

Next, we can combine the terms with the same square root term:

(28 + 38) – √(38) – √(38)

Simplifying this further, we get:

66 – 2√(38)

Therefore, the expression 28 – √(38) + 38 – √(38) simplifies to 66 – 2√(38).

Add 31−−√ +

31−−√ .(1 point) $

To add 31−√ + 31−√, we can simplify the square roots first and then add the terms.

√(31) cannot be simplified further as it is not a perfect square. Therefore, the terms remain as 31 − √(31) and 31 − √(31).

Next, we can combine the terms with the same square root term:

(31 + 31) − √(31) − √(31)

Simplifying this further, we get:

62 − 2√(31)

Therefore, the expression 31−√ + 31−√ simplifies to 62 − 2√(31).

To add 28–√38–√, first simplify the radicals.

√38 can be simplified as follows:
√38 = √(2 * 19) = √2 * √19 = √2√19

Now, let's rewrite the expression:
28 – √2√19 – √

To add the terms, we combine like terms only.
28 remains as it is since there are no other terms with a similar structure.

For the radicals, √2√19 and √ do not have like terms, so they cannot be combined.

Therefore, the expression:
28 – √2√19 – √
is the final answer.

To calculate the expression 28–√38–√, we need to follow a specific order of operations, also known as the PEMDAS rule, which stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), and Addition and Subtraction (from left to right).

1. Let's start with the square roots. We need to simplify √38 and √28 separately.

√38 cannot be simplified further as it is not a perfect square. However, we can still approximate its value using a calculator, which is approximately 6.16.

√28 cannot be simplified as well. In decimal format, it is approximately 5.29.

2. Now we substitute the square roots back into the original expression:

28 – √38 – √ = 28 – 6.16 – 5.29

3. Next, we perform the subtraction from left to right:

28 – 6.16 = 21.84
21.84 – 5.29 = 16.55

Therefore, the value of the expression 28–√38–√ is approximately 16.55.