On Friday, the temperature in Boulder, Colorado was -17°F and 35°F in Bowling Green, Kentucky. In which city was the temperature closer to freezing (0°F)?

To determine which city's temperature was closer to freezing (0°F), we can calculate the absolute value of the difference between the temperature in each city and freezing.

For Boulder, Colorado:
| -17°F - 0°F | = |-17°F| = 17°F

For Bowling Green, Kentucky:
| 35°F - 0°F | = |35°F| = 35°F

Comparing the absolute differences, we can see that the temperature in Boulder, Colorado (-17°F) was closer to freezing (0°F) since the absolute difference is smaller (17°F) compared to the absolute difference in Bowling Green, Kentucky (35°F).

To determine which city was closer to freezing (0°F), we need to calculate the absolute difference between the temperature in each city and 0°F.

The absolute difference between -17°F and 0°F is |(-17) - 0| = 17°F.

The absolute difference between 35°F and 0°F is |35 - 0| = 35°F.

Comparing the absolute differences, we can see that the temperature in Boulder, Colorado (-17°F) was closer to freezing (0°F) than the temperature in Bowling Green, Kentucky (35°F).

To determine which city was closer to freezing (0°F), we can calculate the absolute difference between the temperatures in each city and 0°F. The city with the smaller absolute difference will be closer to freezing.

Let's start with Boulder, Colorado. The absolute difference between -17°F and 0°F is:

|-17°F - 0°F| = |-17°F| = 17°F

Next, let's calculate the absolute difference for Bowling Green, Kentucky. The absolute difference between 35°F and 0°F is:

|35°F - 0°F| = |35°F| = 35°F

Comparing the absolute differences, 17°F (Boulder, Colorado) is smaller than 35°F (Bowling Green, Kentucky). Therefore, Boulder, Colorado was closer to freezing (0°F) than Bowling Green, Kentucky.