Which of the following demonstrates critical thinking? Choose the answer.

Question 14 options:

Explain that your opinion is right.

Make snap decisions based on a gut feeling.

Ask questions.

Trust everything you read.

The answer that demonstrates critical thinking is: "Ask questions."

The answer that demonstrates critical thinking is: "Ask questions." Critical thinking involves questioning, analyzing, and evaluating information to arrive at informed conclusions. Asking questions allows one to gather more information, consider different perspectives, and make reasoned judgments.

The answer that demonstrates critical thinking is "Ask questions."

Critical thinking involves analyzing and evaluating information, reasoning logically, and considering different perspectives. By asking questions, one can gather more information, challenge assumptions, and gain a deeper understanding of a topic or situation. Asking questions helps to explore different viewpoints, identify potential flaws in arguments, and make more informed decisions. It is an essential component of critical thinking as it promotes a curious and thoughtful approach to problem-solving.