a marketing plan includes this marketing objective create positiove feelings about our brand what is the main problem with this objective.

it does not meet legal requirements
it doesnt name the target market
it is not something the marketer can achieve
it is not specific and measureable

The main problem with this objective is that it is not specific and measurable.

The main problem with this marketing objective is that it is not specific and measurable. While creating positive feelings about the brand is a desirable outcome, the objective should be more clearly defined and measurable so that progress can be tracked and evaluated effectively.

The main problem with the marketing objective "create positive feelings about our brand" is that it is not specific and measurable.

To have an effective marketing objective, it should be clear and define what exactly needs to be achieved and how it can be measured. "Creating positive feelings" is a subjective statement that does not provide a clear direction for the marketing efforts. It does not specify how the feelings will be measured or what specific actions are needed to achieve this objective.

A better marketing objective would be to define a specific target market, such as "create positive feelings among millennial consumers aged 25-34 towards our brand." This not only includes the target market but also provides a clear and measurable goal that can be tracked and evaluated.