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it is about how the assassination of franz ferdinand was a cause of ww1

This suggests it was a cause of ww1 because many countries fought and got invovled due to this ...

The assassination of Franz Ferdinand serves as one of the main causes of World War 1, as it sparked conflicts and drew numerous countries into the war due to its far-reaching consequences.

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The assassination of Franz Ferdinand serves as one of the main causes of World War 1, as it sparked conflicts and drew numerous countries into the war due to its far-reaching consequences.

Due to the far-reaching consequences of the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, it ignited conflicts and entangled multiple countries, making it a significant factor in the outbreak of World War 1.

what is a synony of far-reaching

The term "extensive" can be used as a synonym for "far-reaching".

The assassination of Franz Ferdinand served as a catalyst for the outbreak of World War I, as it led to the involvement of numerous countries in the conflict.

The assassination of Franz Ferdinand was a significant factor contributing to the outbreak of World War 1. This can be attributed to the fact that the assassination sparked a series of events that led to a chain reaction, ultimately involving multiple countries in the conflict.