which of the following measures is an example of demographic data

buying behaviors
cities or countries
activities interests and opinions
income categories

cities or countries

The measure that is an example of demographic data is "cities or countries". Demographic data typically refers to information related to population characteristics such as age, gender, race, ethnicity, education, occupation, and geographical location. In this case, "cities or countries" is a geographical location and falls under demographic data as it helps to describe the place of residence or origin of a group of people.

The measure that is an example of demographic data from the options you provided is "cities or countries."

Demographic data refers to statistical information about populations, and it typically includes characteristics such as age, gender, ethnicity, education level, occupation, and geographic location. In this case, cities or countries are geographic locations, which are considered a demographic characteristic since they provide insight into where individuals reside.

To determine if a measure is an example of demographic data, you typically look for information that relates to the population's characteristics rather than individual behaviors or preferences. Buying behaviors, activities, interests, and opinions are more related to individual choices and preferences rather than demographic characteristics. Income categories, on the other hand, can sometimes be considered a demographic characteristic, as income levels can provide insights into socioeconomic factors, but it is primarily an indicator of economic status rather than a personal characteristic.