Fill in the missing fractions to create a true equation.(1 point)

/5 − 12 = 3/

To fill in the missing fraction in the equation, we need to determine the value that, when subtracted from 5 and multiplied by 12, equals 3.

Let's solve for the missing fraction:

5 - 12 * (missing fraction) = 3

To isolate the missing fraction, we can first distribute the 12:

5 - 12 * (missing fraction) = 3
5 - 12 * (missing fraction) = 3
5 - 12 * (missing fraction) = 3

Next, we can move the constant term to the other side of the equation:

- 12 * (missing fraction) = 3 - 5
- 12 * (missing fraction) = -2

To solve for the missing fraction, we divide both sides by -12:

(missing fraction) = -2 / -12

The missing fraction is equal to 1/6.

To solve this question, we need to find the missing fraction that, when subtracted from 12, gives us 3.

Let's represent the missing fraction as a/b.

The equation is:

5/1 - 12 = 3/1

To remove the fractions in the equation, we can multiply both sides of the equation by the least common denominator (LCD) of the fractions, which in this case is 1.

1*(5/1) - 12*1 = 3*(1/1)

Simplifying this equation gives us:

5 - 12 = 3

Now, we can solve for the missing fraction:

-7 = 3

Since this equation is not true, we can conclude that there are no fractions that, when subtracted from 12, give us 3. Therefore, there are no missing fractions that can be filled in to create a true equation.

/5 − 12 = 3/15