Why were Northern states in favor of Hamilton’s protective tariff?

(1 point)

The tariff protected the North from paying any additional fees when exporting their goods.
The tariff protected the North from paying any additional fees when exporting their goods.

The tariff allowed manufacturers in the North to charge higher prices for their products.
The tariff allowed manufacturers in the North to charge higher prices for their products.

The tariff made goods produced in the North less expensive than imported goods.
The tariff made goods produced in the North less expensive than imported goods.

The tariff had less of an effect on businesses in the North than it did on those in the South.

The tariff protected the North from paying any additional fees when exporting their goods.

It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world; so far, I mean, as we are now at liberty to do it; for let me not be understood as capable of patronizing [supporting] infidelity [disloyalty; unfaithfulness] to existing engagements. I hold the maxim [wise saying] no less applicable to public than to private affairs, that honesty is always the best policy. I repeat, therefore, let those engagements be observed in their genuine sense. But, in my opinion, it is unnecessary and would be unwise to extend them.

- Washington’s Farewell Address

Use the excerpt to answer the question.
What did Washington mean when he wrote that the maxim “honesty is the best policy” should be applied to foreign relations?
(1 point)

The United States should have announced that it was cutting off relations with other nations.
The United States should have announced that it was cutting off relations with other nations.

The United States should have terminated its formal relationships with European nations.
The United States should have terminated its formal relationships with European nations.

There was no need to be coy about U.S. intentions to avoid permanent alliances in the future.
There was no need to be coy about U.S. intentions to avoid permanent alliances in the future.

The president should privately reassure foreign leaders that America stands with them but publicly maintain a separation from other nations’ policies.

There was no need to be coy about U.S. intentions to avoid permanent alliances in the future.

Federalists Versus Democratic Republicans

Federalists Democratic Republicans
Led by Alexander Hamilton Led by Thomas Jefferson
Strong central government led by industry and wealthy Strong state governments led by the "common man"
Emphasis on manufacturing, shipping, and trade Emphasis on agriculture: "Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable"
- Thomas Jefferson
Loose interpretation of the Constitution Strict interpretation of the Constitution
Favored the national bank Opposed the national bank
Favored protective tariffs Opposed protective tariffs
Pro-British Pro-French
Use the table to answer the question.
Favoring the idea of national regulation of trade between states would be an example of which political party's stance listed in the chart?
(1 point)

the Federalist Party’s belief in a strong central government
the Federalist Party’s belief in a strong central government

the Democratic Republican’s support for strict interpretation of the Constitution
the Democratic Republican’s support for strict interpretation of the Constitution

the Federalist Party’s support of protective tariffs
the Federalist Party’s support of protective tariffs

the Democratic Republican’s belief in a strong state government
the Democratic Republican’s belief in a strong state government

the Federalist Party’s belief in a strong central government

What was one reason for the formation of the Democratic Republican party?

(1 point)

Washington’s cabinet members wanted to form a new party to strengthen the federal government.
Washington’s cabinet members wanted to form a new party to strengthen the federal government.

Thomas Jefferson’s views clashed with those of Alexander Hamilton.
Thomas Jefferson’s views clashed with those of Alexander Hamilton.

The Alien and Sedition Acts outlined the need for a new political party.
The Alien and Sedition Acts outlined the need for a new political party.

The threat of war with Britain inspired a revolt against the Federalists.
The threat of war with Britain inspired a revolt against the Federalists.

Thomas Jefferson’s views clashed with those of Alexander Hamilton.

Why did Adams increase the size of the American navy?

(1 point)

He wanted to prepare for all-out war on Britain.
He wanted to prepare for all-out war on Britain.

He hoped it would deter more attacks by French ships.
He hoped it would deter more attacks by French ships.

He needed to use tax money to fund an increase in military spending.
He needed to use tax money to fund an increase in military spending.

Congress passed a law that required him to increase support for the navy.
Congress passed a law that required him to increase support for the navy.

He hoped it would deter more attacks by French ships.


Why did Congress decide the election of 1800? Select all that apply.
(1 point)

Based on the outcome, it was mandated by the U.S. Constitution.
Based on the outcome, it was mandated by the U.S. Constitution.

The popular vote was a tie.
The popular vote was a tie.

No candidate won the electoral vote.
No candidate won the electoral vote.

Not enough citizens voted to determine the outcome.