Why were Northern states in favor of Hamilton’s protective tariff?

(1 point)

The tariff protected the North from paying any additional fees when exporting their goods.

The tariff allowed manufacturers in the North to charge higher prices for their products.

The tariff made goods produced in the North less expensive than imported goods.

The tariff had less of an effect on businesses in the North than it did on those in the Sou


The correct response is:

The tariff had less of an effect on businesses in the North than it did on those in the South.

To understand why Northern states were in favor of Hamilton's protective tariff, we can analyze the different options provided and their potential reasoning.

1. "The tariff protected the North from paying any additional fees when exporting their goods."
This option suggests that the tariff helped Northern states by exempting them from additional export fees. However, this is not entirely accurate as protective tariffs do not directly impact export fees but rather focus on increasing tariffs on imported goods.

2. "The tariff allowed manufacturers in the North to charge higher prices for their products."
This option emphasizes that manufacturers in the North could raise prices for their products due to the protective tariff. This could benefit Northern businesses by increasing their profits, making the option appealing to them.

3. "The tariff made goods produced in the North less expensive than imported goods."
This option highlights the core purpose of a protective tariff: to make domestically produced goods more competitive and less expensive compared to imported goods. This lower price would likely attract consumers, leading to increased demand for products from Northern manufacturers.

4. "The tariff had less of an effect on businesses in the North than it did on those in the South."
This option suggests that the protective tariff had a lesser impact on businesses in the North compared to those in the South. While this statement may be true to some extent, it does not directly explain why Northern states were favoring Hamilton's tariff.

From the options provided, option 3 appears to be the most accurate and compelling. The Northern states would likely support the protective tariff because it would make their goods more affordable and competitive compared to imports, ultimately benefiting their businesses and the local economy.