Which of the following is the theme of "When Greek Meets Greek" ?(1 point)Responsesthe struggle to withstand discriminationthe struggle to withstand discriminationloneliness in an ever-changing worldloneliness in an ever-changing worldthe need for higher education at all agesthe need for higher education at all agesthe difficulty of making new friendsthe difficulty of making new friends

the struggle to withstand discrimination

The theme of "When Greek Meets Greek" is the struggle to withstand discrimination.

To determine the theme of a literary work like "When Greek Meets Greek," you would typically need to read the story or analyze its key elements. However, since I don't have access to the specific text, I can provide you with a general approach to identifying the theme.

First, you could start by examining the main events, character development, and conflicts within the story. Look for recurring ideas or messages that emerge throughout the narrative. Ask yourself questions such as: What struggles do the characters face? What lessons are learned? What is the author trying to convey?

Based on the response options you provided, let's analyze each one:

1. The struggle to withstand discrimination: If the story primarily revolves around characters facing discrimination and fighting against it, this could be a possible theme.

2. Loneliness in an ever-changing world: If the story explores feelings of isolation and the challenges of forming meaningful connections in a changing society, this could be a potential theme.

3. The need for higher education at all ages: If the story emphasizes the importance of education, regardless of age, this could serve as a theme.

4. The difficulty of making new friends: If the story focuses on the challenges or struggles associated with forming new friendships, this may be a potential theme.

To accurately determine the correct theme, it would be necessary to examine the story directly. Consider reading "When Greek Meets Greek" or referring to reliable summaries or analyses of the work to gain a better understanding.