This city-state sits on many canals and waterways and was the link between Asia and western Europe






The city-state that sits on many canals and waterways and was the link between Asia and western Europe is Venice.

The city-state that sits on many canals and waterways and was the link between Asia and western Europe is Venice.

To find the answer to this question, you can use various methods:

1. General knowledge: If you are familiar with different city-states around the world, you might already know that Venice is famous for its canals and waterways.

2. Online search: You can search for information using a search engine like Google. By typing in the keywords "city-state canals waterways link between Asia and western Europe," you will most likely find that Venice is the correct answer.

3. Reference books or encyclopedias: You can refer to reference books or encyclopedias that provide information about different city-states and their characteristics.

Remember that using a combination of these methods can help you verify and confirm the answer.