A medieval government in which kings rented land to vassals in exchange for loyalty, military, labor, and taxes






The medieval government system that involved kings renting land to vassals in exchange for loyalty, military service, labor, and taxes is called feudalism.

The correct answer is feudalism.

Feudalism was a medieval government system in which kings or lords owned large tracts of land and rented smaller portions of it to vassals. In exchange for the land, vassals pledged their loyalty and provided various services to the lord, including military support, labor, and taxes.

To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the descriptions given for each option and match them with the characteristics of the feudal system. Socialism refers to a system where the means of production are owned and controlled by the community as a whole, which isn't an accurate description of the feudal system. Democracy is a system where power rests with the people, who generally elect representatives. Vassalage accurately describes the relationship between the lord and vassal in a feudal society, but it doesn't encompass the overall structure of the government. Therefore, the correct answer is feudalism.