The first one must start with I (أنا) , a verb and a compliment

- The second one must start with a female person such as ( أُمي / أُختِي / صَدِيقَتي) , a verb and a compliment.
- The third one must start with a male person but write in in arabic

I enjoy learning new languages.

أنا أحب تعلّم اللغات الجديدة.

My mother cooks delicious meals.
أُمّي تطبخ وجبات لذيذة.

My brother is very intelligent.
أخي ذكي جدًا.

1. أنا أذهب إلى المدرسة يوميًا (I go to school every day).

2. أمي تحضّر الطعام ببراعة (My mother cooks food skillfully).
3. أخي يعمل بجد في الشركة (My brother works hard at the company).

Sure! Here are the three sentences you requested, along with an explanation of how to construct them:

1. The first sentence must start with "I" (أنا), a verb, and a compliment.
Example: أنا أحب الموسيقى الجميلة.
Translation: I love beautiful music.

- Start the sentence with the pronoun "I" (أنا) to indicate that the statement is about yourself.
- Choose a verb that suits the action you want to express. In this case, I used the verb "أحب" which means "to love".
- Follow the verb with the compliment, which describes the object of your action. In this case, I used the compliment "الموسيقى الجميلة" which means "beautiful music".

2. The second sentence must start with a female person, such as "my mother" (أمي), "my sister" (أختي), or "my friend" (صديقتي), a verb, and a compliment.
Example: أختي تطبخ الطعام اللذيذ.
Translation: My sister cooks delicious food.

- Start the sentence with the appropriate female person, such as "my sister" (أختي), followed by the subject marker "ت" to indicate that the sentence is about her.
- Choose a verb that suits the action you want to express. In this case, I used the verb "تطبخ" which means "cooks".
- Add the compliment, which describes the quality or outcome of the action. In this example, I used the compliment "الطعام اللذيذ" which means "delicious food".

3. The third sentence must start with a male person, but written in Arabic.
Example: أبي يعمل بجد في الحديقة.
Translation: My father works hard in the garden.

- Start the sentence with the appropriate male person, such as "my father" (أبي).
- Choose a verb that suits the action you want to express. In this case, I used the verb "يعمل" which means "works".
- Include the compliment, which describes the quality or outcome of the action. In this example, I used the compliment "بجد" which means "hard", to describe how your father works.