Why do writers add multimedia to an informational text? (1 point)

Oto help the reader comprehend the facts, comparisons, or details in the writing

to hide details from the reader that are boring, nonessential, or irrelevant

to show the reader why a topic was chosen

O to make the organizational strategy more clear

To help the reader comprehend the facts, comparisons, or details in the writing.

The purpose of writers adding multimedia to an informational text is to help the reader comprehend the facts, comparisons, or details in the writing.

To answer this question, let's break it down and examine each option:

Option A: "To help the reader comprehend the facts, comparisons, or details in the writing"
This option suggests that writers add multimedia to informational texts to enhance the reader's understanding of the content. By incorporating visuals, such as images, graphs, charts, or videos, writers can provide additional context, clarify complex concepts, or present data in a more digestible format. Including multimedia can support the reader in comprehending the facts, comparisons, or details discussed.

Option B: "To hide details from the reader that are boring, nonessential, or irrelevant"
This option states that writers include multimedia in order to conceal uninteresting, unnecessary, or unrelated information. However, this is not the primary purpose of adding multimedia. Multimedia is typically used to enhance comprehension rather than hinder it by eliminating relevant details.

Option C: "To show the reader why a topic was chosen"
This option suggests that multimedia is added to demonstrate the writer's reasoning behind choosing a particular topic. While multimedia can certainly help engage the reader and attract their interest in a topic, it is not the sole purpose for including multimedia in an informational text.

Option D: "To make the organizational strategy more clear"
This option indicates that multimedia is used to improve the clarity of the organizational strategy in a text. While multimedia can aid in presenting information in an organized manner, it is not the primary purpose for incorporating multimedia.

Considering the explanations provided for each option, the correct answer would be option A: "To help the reader comprehend the facts, comparisons, or details in the writing." By leveraging multimedia elements, writers can enhance the reader's understanding of the content by providing visual aids that support the text.