In "Greek Meets Greek" Ram takes great pains to avoid having

Chan, his neighbor, identify his true island heritage. Too late, Ram
realizes that Chan is also island born. What type of irony, if any,
does this demonstrate?
(1 point)
no irony

This demonstrates situational irony.

Choose the correct sentence pattern.

It is a hybrid car.
(1 point)

The correct sentence pattern is S-V-N (Subject-Verb-Noun).

This situation demonstrates situational irony. Situational irony occurs when there is a contrast between what is expected to happen and what actually happens. In this case, Ram goes to great lengths to hide his island heritage from Chan, only to realize later that Chan is also island born, which is unexpected and ironic.

To determine the type of irony in the given scenario, we need to understand the different types of irony.

1. Verbal irony occurs when someone says something that is the opposite of what they actually mean. For example, if someone says "I absolutely love being stuck in traffic," when they actually dislike it.

2. Situational irony refers to a situation in which actions or events have an outcome that is different from what is expected. It involves a contrast between what is anticipated and what actually occurs.

3. Dramatic irony occurs when the audience or reader knows something that the characters do not. This creates tension and suspense because the audience is aware of the impending consequences or outcome.

Based on the information given, it does not appear that any of the above types of irony are explicitly demonstrated in the scenario. Therefore, the answer would be "no irony." There is no indication of a contradiction between what is expected and what actually happens, no reverse meaning in dialogue, and no difference in knowledge between characters and the audience.