You have now learned that a good goalkeeper must possess quickness, agility, and good eyesight. What other athlete requires the same skill set for success? (1 point) Quarterback Golfer Bowler Shot putter



corner kick

goal kick

Center circle



The goalkeeper is the one player in soccer that is allowed to touch the ball with his/her hands.

The goalkeeper is the one player in soccer that is allowed to touch the ball with his hands.

Chest trap is not a rules violation in soccer.

You should now have a good grasp of the game of soccer; using this knowledge, decide which of the following sports the game of soccer most resembles. (1 point) Tennis Football Baseball Hockey

How many players are allowed on the field per team in a regulation soccer game? (1 point) 5 7 9 11

When the ball crosses the end line and the defensive team last touched the ball, the offensive team gets a ___________.

When the ball crosses the end line and the offensive team last touched the ball, the defensive team gets a ____________.

In what part of the field does the kickoff take place in soccer? (1 point) End line Center circle Strike zone Mound

Which of the following is NOT a defender in soccer? (1 point) Forward Sweeper Stopper Fullback

Which position in soccer is responsible for both offense and defense? (1 point) Forward Midfielder Goalie Sweeper

The ______________ is the one player in soccer that is allowed to touch the ball with his/her hands.

The ______________ is the one player in soccer that is allowed to touch the ball with his hands.

Which of the following is NOT a rules violation in soccer? (1 point) Chest trap Tripping Handball Obstruction
