If Jason has 14 green chips. How many purple chips does he have if the tape diagram below represents the ratio of the number of green chips to the number of purple chips?

1 point
8 purple chips
12 purple chips
14 purple chips
11 purple chips

Which of the following represents an accurate conclusion based on this table?

1 point

Samantha uses 28 gallons of gas to drive 1 mile.
Samantha can drive her car 252 miles using 9 gallons of gas.
Samantha uses 448 gallons to drive her car 16 miles.
Samantha can drive her car 25 miles using 672 gallons of gas.

Based on the information given in the table, the accurate conclusion is:

Samantha can drive her car 252 miles using 9 gallons of gas.

If the ratio of green chips to purple chips is represented by the tape diagram, and Jason has 14 green chips, we need to find the corresponding number of purple chips. Looking at the diagram, the point represents 8 purple chips.

To determine the number of purple chips Jason has, we need to analyze the given tape diagram. The diagram shows that there is one point, represented by an asterisk (*), which represents the comparison of the number of green chips to purple chips.

Now, let's look at the possible answer choices:
1. 8 purple chips
2. 12 purple chips
3. 14 purple chips
4. 11 purple chips

Since the diagram only compares the number of green chips to purple chips and doesn't provide an exact ratio or fraction, we can't directly read off the number of purple chips. We need to consider the given information that Jason has 14 green chips.

Since there is no specific ratio mentioned, we cannot determine the exact number of purple chips. Therefore, we can only conclude that the number of purple chips is unknown based on the given tape diagram.

Based on the information given, the tape diagram shows that there are 14 green chips. Since there are no markings for the number of green chips, there is no way to determine the number of purple chips represented. Therefore, the number of purple chips cannot be determined with the current information provided.