In the sentence Traveling is the gerund, as it ends in -ing. The function of traveling in to act as noun not a verb and describe how traveling is good for you.

In the given sentence, "Traveling is good for you", the word "Traveling” is not acting as a gerund. It is actually the present participle form of the verb "travel". The function of "traveling" in this sentence is to act as the subject, which is a noun function. It describes how the action of traveling is beneficial for you.

Use the sentence to complete the activity.

The competing teams shook hands after the game was over.

Write 1–2 sentences identifying the participle in this sentence and its function.

(2 points)

The participle in this sentence is "competing", which acts as an adjective modifying the noun "teams". It describes the type of teams that were shaking hands after the game.

The sentence "Traveling is good for you" contains the gerund "traveling." Here's a step-by-step breakdown of the sentence:

1. The subject of the sentence is "traveling," indicating that it is the main action or concept.
2. "Is" is the linking verb, which connects the subject ("traveling") to the predicate adjective ("good").
3. "Good" describes the quality or benefit of traveling for you.
4. As a gerund, "traveling" functions as a noun. This means that it acts as the subject of the sentence, representing the action or concept of traveling. In this case, it specifically refers to the act of traveling in a general sense.
5. Therefore, the function of "traveling" in the sentence is as a noun, describing the positive aspect of the activity.

To verify that "traveling" functions as a gerund and not a verb in the sentence, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the word in question: In the given sentence, the word is "traveling."

2. Understand the definition of a gerund: A gerund is a verb form that functions as a noun and ends in "-ing." It can be the subject or the object of a sentence, or it can be used as a complement or an object of a preposition.

3. Determine its function: In this case, "traveling" is being used as a noun and not as a verb. It describes how traveling is good for you, which indicates that it acts as the subject complement of the sentence.

4. Confirm its form: As you've correctly observed, the word "traveling" ends in "-ing," which is a characteristic of gerunds.

Based on these steps, you can confirm that "traveling" is indeed a gerund functioning as a noun in the given sentence.