Which sentence from the text BEST supports the claim that Jameel feels stressed about balancing his drama club and family responsibilities?


At first, he worried his parents would miss his frequent help, but they respected his need for a plan.

Running rehearsals was harder than Jameel expected.

Jameel was running late thanks to a few last-minute chores he’d offered to do.

Between his increased responsibilities at home and the demands of drama club, he was exhausted and felt like he couldn’t get any peace.


Between his increased responsibilities at home and the demands of drama club, he was exhausted and felt like he couldn’t get any peace.

The best sentence to support the claim that Jameel feels stressed about balancing his drama club and family responsibilities is D: "Between his increased responsibilities at home and the demands of drama club, he was exhausted and felt like he couldn’t get any peace."

The sentence that best supports the claim that Jameel feels stressed about balancing his drama club and family responsibilities is option D: "Between his increased responsibilities at home and the demands of drama club, he was exhausted and felt like he couldn’t get any peace." To identify this sentence, you need to look for information about Jameel feeling stressed and overwhelmed due to both his family responsibilities and the demands of the drama club. By reading the options carefully, you can see that option D explicitly states that Jameel is exhausted and unable to find peace due to these conflicting responsibilities. Therefore, option D is the best choice.