The philosophy, “Since man was created, man is under the rule of his Creator,” was embraced by the Greeks or Hebrews

The philosophy, "Since man was created, man is under the rule of his Creator," was embraced primarily by the Hebrews.

This belief is rooted in the Abrahamic religions, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, which trace their origins back to the Hebrew Bible. In these religious traditions, it is emphasized that human beings are created by a higher power, often referred to as God, and are therefore subject to His authority and rules.

On the other hand, the ancient Greeks had a different perspective on the relationship between humans and the divine. Greek philosophy and mythology often depicted their gods as fallible and capricious, while humans were seen as having free will and the ability to shape their own destinies. Greek thinkers such as Plato and Aristotle explored the concept of natural law, which dictated how individuals should live. But this was not based on a belief in a higher power overseeing human actions.

Thus, the philosophy of being under the rule of a Creator is more closely aligned with the worldview of the Hebrews and the Abrahamic religions, rather than the Greeks.

The philosophy that states "Since man was created, man is under the rule of his Creator" was predominantly embraced by the Hebrews. This idea can be traced back to the Hebrew Bible, specifically in the Book of Genesis, where the concept of God as the Creator and Sustainer of humanity is strongly emphasized. In Hebrew thought, the relationship between God and humans is that of a ruler and his subjects, where obedience and adherence to divine laws and commandments are expected. However, it is essential to note that this belief is not exclusive to the Hebrews, as many other religious traditions and cultures also acknowledge the existence of a Creator and recognize their dependence and accountability to a higher power.

To determine whether the philosophy "Since man was created, man is under the rule of his Creator" was embraced by the Greeks or Hebrews, we can examine the cultural and religious beliefs of these two ancient civilizations. Here's how you can approach finding the answer:

1. Research Greek Philosophy: Explore the philosophical ideas and beliefs of ancient Greece. Key figures in Greek philosophy include Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Look into their works and see if any of them discuss the concept of man being under the rule of his Creator.

2. Study Greek Mythology: Investigate Greek mythology, which played a significant role in shaping their belief system. Observe their views on human creation and the relationship between gods and humans. This might provide insights into their perspectives on the rule of a Creator.

3. Examine Greek Religious Beliefs: Explore the ancient Greek religion, focusing on their understanding of gods, divine authority, and the role of humans within the divine hierarchy. This analysis might shed light on whether the Greeks embraced the philosophy mentioned.

4. Research Hebrew Philosophy and Religion: Shift your focus to the ancient Hebrews and their religious beliefs. Study the Hebrew Bible (known to Christians as the Old Testament), which contains foundational texts such as Genesis. Look for passages or concepts that discuss the role of humans and their relationship with their Creator.

5. Consult Jewish Theological Perspectives: Consider the views of Jewish theologians and scholars, who have extensively studied Hebrew philosophy and religious traditions. Their interpretations and commentary on religious texts might provide insights into whether the philosophy in question aligns with Hebrew beliefs.

By conducting thorough research into the philosophical and religious traditions of the Greeks and Hebrews, examining their primary sources, and consulting expert perspectives, you can determine which civilization embraced the philosophy "Since man was created, man is under the rule of his Creator."