expand -5/8 (3p + 8)

A 3p + 8
B -15/8 p - 5
C - 15/8 + 3p
D -15p + (-40)

To expand -5/8 (3p + 8), we need to distribute -5/8 to both terms inside the parentheses.

-5/8 * (3p + 8) = (-5/8 * 3p) + (-5/8 * 8)

Multiplying each term:

= -15/8p + (-40/8)

= -15/8p - 5

So the expanded form of -5/8 (3p + 8) is -15/8p - 5, which is option B.

To expand -5/8 (3p + 8), we need to distribute the -5/8 to each term inside the parentheses.

So, -5/8 (3p + 8) = -5/8 * 3p + (-5/8) * 8

Now, let's simplify each term separately.

-5/8 * 3p = (-5*3)/(8*1) * p = (-15/8) * p = -15p/8

-5/8 * 8 = (-5*8)/(8*1) = -40/8 = -5

Therefore, -5/8 (3p + 8) = -15p/8 - 5.

So, the answer is D) -15p + (-40).

To expand the expression -5/8 (3p + 8), we need to distribute the -5/8 to each term inside the parentheses.

First, distribute -5/8 to 3p: (-5/8) * 3p = -15/8 * p = -15p/8

Next, distribute -5/8 to 8: (-5/8) * 8 = -5/8 * 8/1 = -40/8 = -5

Thus, the expanded expression is: -15p/8 - 5, which can be written as -15/8p - 5 (Option B).