Convert 4.083 × 10⁶ kilometers to meters. Express the answer to the exact decimal place.

Note: 1 kilometer is equal to 1,000 meters

To convert kilometers to meters, we multiply by 1,000.

So, 4.083 × 10⁶ kilometers = 4.083 × 10⁶ × 1,000 = 4.083 × 10⁹ meters.

The answer is 4,083,000,000 meters.

Ali's farmhouse has a height of 2.307×10⁸ meters. Convert the height to centimeters. Express your answer in scientific notation to the exact decimal place.

Note: 1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters.

To convert meters to centimeters, we multiply by 100.

So, 2.307 × 10⁸ meters = 2.307 × 10⁸ × 100 = 2.307 × 10¹⁰ centimeters.

The answer is 2.307 × 10¹⁰ centimeters.

Alberto added two very small numbers using a calculator. The calculator displayed the number 6.13E - 14. What is this number in scientific notation.


The number 6.13E-14 is already in scientific notation. The exponent "-14" indicates that the number should be multiplied by 10 raised to the power of -14.

So, the number 6.13E-14 can be written as 6.13 × 10^-14.

To convert kilometers to meters, you simply multiply the value by 1,000.

Given that 1 kilometer is equal to 1,000 meters, we can convert 4.083 × 10⁶ kilometers to meters by multiplying it by 1,000.

So, 4.083 × 10⁶ kilometers = 4.083 × 10⁶ × 1,000 meters.

Multiplying these values, we get:

4.083 × 10⁶ × 1,000 = 4,083 × 10³ meters.

Therefore, 4.083 × 10⁶ kilometers is equivalent to 4,083 × 10³ meters.

To convert 4.083 × 10⁶ kilometers to meters, we can use the conversion factor that 1 kilometer is equal to 1,000 meters.

So, to find the equivalent distance in meters, we multiply 4.083 × 10⁶ kilometers by 1,000:

4.083 × 10⁶ km * 1,000 m/km

To multiply these numbers, we multiply the digits in front of the powers of 10 (4.083 * 1,000 = 4,083) and add the exponents of the powers of 10 (6 + 0 = 6):

4,083 × 10⁶ m

Therefore, 4.083 × 10⁶ kilometers is equal to 4,083,000 meters.