Which step should a writer take before deciding how to organize their informative text

Before deciding how to organize their informative text, a writer should first conduct research and gather relevant information on the topic. This will allow them to have a clear understanding of the subject matter and determine what information is essential to include in the text. Once they have gathered the necessary information, they can then proceed to determine the best way to organize and structure their writing.

Before deciding how to organize their informative text, a writer should take the following step:

Step 1: Understand the Purpose and Audience
- Clearly define the purpose of the informative text. Is it to educate, persuade, or provide instructions?
- Identify the target audience and their level of knowledge on the topic. Consider their interests, prior knowledge, and any specific requirements or expectations they might have.

Understanding the purpose and audience will help the writer determine the most suitable organization strategy for their informative text.

Before deciding how to organize their informative text, a writer should take the following step:

1. Determine the purpose and audience: The writer needs to have a clear understanding of why they are writing the informative text and who their intended audience is. Understanding the purpose will help them determine the appropriate tone, level of detail, and how to structure the information effectively.

To determine the purpose and audience, the writer can follow these steps:

A. Clarify the purpose: Ask questions such as, Why am I writing this text? Is it to educate, inform, persuade, or entertain? What specific information do I want to convey to the audience?

B. Identify the target audience: Consider who will be reading the text. Are they experts in the field, general readers, or a specific demographic? Understanding the audience's background, knowledge level, and interests will help the writer decide how to present the information.

C. Conduct audience research: If necessary, gather information about the target audience through surveys, interviews, or market research. This will provide additional insights into their needs, interests, and expectations.

By determining the purpose and audience of their informative text, the writer can create a strong foundation for organizing the information effectively and catering to the specific needs of their readers.