Which of the following contributed to increased and military power of the Sumerians

There are several factors that contributed to the increased military power of the Sumerians:

1. Technological advancements: The Sumerians developed new technologies, such as the composite bow and wheeled vehicles, which gave them an advantage on the battlefield. These technological advancements allowed the Sumerians to project their power over larger territories and defeat their enemies more effectively.

2. Organized military structure: The Sumerians established a well-organized military structure, with a central command and a professional standing army. This enabled them to respond quickly to threats and wage wars more effectively.

3. Defensive fortifications: The Sumerians built strong defensive fortifications, such as city walls and moats, which protected their cities from external threats. These fortifications deterred potential invaders and allowed the Sumerians to maintain control over their territories.

4. Training and discipline: The Sumerian military underwent rigorous training and discipline, which made them formidable warriors. They practiced skills like archery, swordsmanship, and charioteering to ensure they were well-prepared for battle.

5. Military alliances: The Sumerians formed military alliances with other city-states in the region. These alliances allowed them to combine their military forces and resources, leading to a more powerful overall military.

6. Economic resources: The Sumerians had access to abundant natural resources, such as fertile land and water from the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. This allowed them to sustain a large population and support a strong military.

Overall, a combination of technological advancements, organized military structure, defensive fortifications, training and discipline, military alliances, and access to economic resources contributed to the increased military power of the Sumerians.

The Sumerians were able to increase their military power through several contributions:

1. City-State Organization: The Sumerians developed a system of city-states, with each city having its own ruler and government. This allowed for more centralized control over military resources and coordination of military campaigns.

2. Advanced Weapons and Technology: The Sumerians are credited with some significant advancements in military technology. They developed the composite bow, which gave them a tactical advantage in long-range warfare. They also developed the chariot, which revolutionized ancient warfare by providing rapid mobility and firepower.

3. Professional Soldiers: The rise of city-states in Sumer led to the establishment of professional armies. Soldiers were trained and equipped by the state, allowing for a more disciplined and organized military force.

4. Defensive Structures: The Sumerians built fortified city walls and defensive structures, including moats and watchtowers, to protect their cities. These fortifications provided a strategic advantage by making it difficult for enemies to breach their defenses.

5. Military Strategy and Tactics: The Sumerians developed military strategies and tactics, such as forming phalanxes or organized lines of soldiers, to maximize their effectiveness in battle. They also implemented siege warfare techniques to conquer enemy cities.

Overall, these various contributions helped the Sumerians increase their military power and maintain dominance in the region.

To determine which of the following factors contributed to the increased military power of the Sumerians, we need to identify the factors and assess their significance in that period. Here are some potential factors that may have contributed:

1. Geographic position: The Sumerians lived in a region called Mesopotamia, which was a fertile land located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. This advantageous geographic location provided them with access to important resources such as water for agriculture, as well as trade routes for economic growth and military expansion.

2. Agricultural advancements: The Sumerians developed advanced irrigation systems to control and distribute water across their farmlands. By efficiently managing water resources, they were able to support a larger population and sustain a strong military force.

3. City-states and central authority: The Sumerians had a unique political structure, consisting of independent city-states ruled by a king or monarchy. This central authority allowed for efficient organization and defense, as well as the raising of standing armies dedicated to protecting and expanding the city-state's interests.

4. Technological innovations: The Sumerians excelled in numerous technological innovations, such as the invention of the wheel, which revolutionized transportation and logistics. They also developed advanced weapons, including bronze weapons and the composite bow, giving them a military advantage over their adversaries.

5. Military organization and tactics: The Sumerians implemented effective military strategies and tactics, such as the formation of professional armies and the construction of fortified walls around their cities. These measures provided them with the means to defend their land and launch successful military campaigns.

To identify which of these factors contributed the most to the increased military power of the Sumerians, historians and archaeologists study surviving artifacts, ancient texts, and archaeological evidence. By analyzing these sources, they can gain insights into the Sumerian civilization and its military capabilities.