which of the following best describes something managers can do to make sure the mission statement is a working document

create the mission without employee involvement
model the mission in their actions create a plan to achieve the mission
keep the mission statement on their office wall

The best answer would be "model the mission in their actions." When managers consistently demonstrate and align their actions with the organization's mission statement, it helps to reinforce its importance and makes it a working document. It sets an example for employees and helps ensure that everyone's efforts are in line with the mission.

The best option among the following that describes something managers can do to make sure the mission statement is a working document is to "model the mission in their actions."

The most appropriate option out of the ones provided is to model the mission in their actions.

To understand why this option is the best choice, let's analyze the other options:

1. Creating the mission without employee involvement: This approach is not effective because it's important to have employees' input and buy-in when developing a mission statement. When employees are involved in the process, they are more likely to feel connected to the mission and motivated to work towards its fulfillment.

2. Creating a plan to achieve the mission: While creating a plan is crucial for achieving the mission, it does not ensure that the mission statement itself remains a working document. A plan focuses on the specific actions and strategies required to achieve the mission, whereas the question is about maintaining the mission statement as an active and meaningful guide for the organization.

3. Keeping the mission statement on their office wall: While keeping the mission statement visible in the office can serve as a reminder, it doesn't guarantee that it will be integrated into the daily operations of the organization. It can be seen more as a symbolic gesture rather than an active measure to ensure the mission statement is a working document.

On the other hand, modeling the mission in their actions means that managers should align their own behavior with the core values and principles outlined in the mission statement. By consistently demonstrating these values in their decision-making, interactions with employees, and overall leadership style, managers set an example for others to follow. This helps establish a culture where the mission statement becomes a living, breathing document that guides the organization's actions and decisions.

Therefore, modeling the mission in their actions is the most effective way for managers to ensure that the mission statement remains a working document.